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About Digital Backpack

Digital Backpack Overview

Businesses of benefit to the District 49 community can submit for approval advertising flyers, banners, pamphlets, brochures and other documents for display in schools, but the materials are not sent home with students. The materials can be posted on the Digital Backpack page.


To submit a flier to Digital Backpack, please contact us here.

Why We Offer Our Community A Digital Backpack

District 49 works to ensure the approval and distribution of curricular and non-curricular advertising materials is beneficial and efficient for students, families, faculty and community partners. The district policy guiding the distribution of printed information materials and announcements allows the following organizations to request placement in take home folders, student backpacks, or display on tables, magazine racks or bulletin boards at any time during the school year:
  • School District 49
  • Federal, state or local governmental entities
  • Nationally affiliated PTAs operating within District 49
  • Parent-teacher organizations for special education that operate in lieu of nationally affiliated PTAs.
  • For-profit organizations that have a direct fundraising relationship with the school or District 49
Other nonprofit organizations are permitted one opportunity each quarter to send approved materials home directly – material can be posted in a designated spot within the schools at any time (with approval). Organizations interested in distributing hardcopy flyers to students must submit for approval two weeks before the distribution dates.

Flier distribution dates for 2023-2024 school year

The flier distribution dates are on Mondays to ensure each school receives adequate time to get them into Thursday or Friday folders.