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About RVES

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Ridgeview Elementary School

Ridgeview Elementary School offers innovative curricula design, opportunities in the arts, technology and STEM. It is recognized as a national Capturing Kids Hearts Showcase school. Ridgeview has a comprehensive Positive Behavior Support Program. Staff members ensure student learning is done in a safe and welcoming environment. Through professional development, collaborative communications and strong relationships, teachers use data and research-based practices to ensure each child’s academic and emotional success.

Teachers empower students to be effective problem solvers and critical thinkers across all content areas. The school prioritizes the need to engage students, staff, parents and all community members at high levels and promote innovative thinking among the entire school community.


Extra Curricular

  • 3rd-5th Grade Basketball

  • 3rd-5th Choir

  • STEM Club 

  • Art Club

  • Cooking Class

  • S2S - Student2Student 

  • Yearbook Club

  • Individual Piano Lessons

Ridgeview Elementary School serves a diverse community of students that include preschool through fifth grade. It's home to three  preschool classrooms, and a growing number of English Language Learners from a variety of language backgrounds. Educators support students with various learning challenges and strengths. In addition to supporting at-risk students, staff members provide support for advanced learners, ensuring all students are pushed to their fullest potentials.

Ridgeview Elementary School

6573 Shimmering Creek Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80923

RVES School Hours